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ZoneAlarm Free Firewall,知名廠Check Point旗下的防火牆軟體

ZoneAlarm 問世已超過10年,是由以色列CheckPoint公司下屬的Zone Labs出品的一款知名的網路防火牆程式。因其免費且較容易被使用,故常被電腦雜誌推薦,這套個人防火牆軟體,可以幫你阻擋非法的入侵攻擊,還可以讓你控制自己電腦內那些軟體可以使用網路連線,哪些軟體不行,以杜絕駭客利用病毒入侵你的電腦。這個程式包含了四個連鎖的安全服務;防火牆、應用程式控制、一個網際網路保護鎖、和防護區。最新版採用最夯的雲端資安技術(Cloud-Based Security),一旦確定將某個程式判定為安全或者不安全時,並且將訊息透過雲端共享,就可以立即阻斷攻擊,幾乎不需要程式警告或中斷。

wmos.info 2018-06-26 at 10.46.13 pm

ZoneAlarm is designed to protect your DSL- or cable-connected PC from hackers. This program includes four interlocking security services: a firewall, an application control, an Internet lock, and Zones. The firewall controls the door to your computer and allows only traffic you understand and initiate. The Internet lock blocks Internet traffic while your computer is unattended or while you're not using the Internet, and it can be activated automatically with your computer's screensaver or after a set period of inactivity. Zones monitor all activity on your computer and alert you when a new application attempts to access the Internet.
wmos.info 2018-06-26 at 10.31.59 pm
ZoneAlarm Free Firewall 2018

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