GPU-Z 是專為顯示卡而設計的測試軟體 (使用方法大致與 CPU-Z 一樣),支援 NVIDAI 及 ATI 兩家晶片的顯示卡,經由 GPU-Z 可讓我們充份地了解顯示卡的晶片類型、製程、晶片大小、匯流排介面、DirectX版本、記憶體類型、記憶體大小、驅動程式版本、其他像晶片和記憶體的時 脈它也能偵測得出來。
GPU-Z is a lightweight utility designed to give you all information about your video card and GPU.
* Sup...
Process Explorer,哪個執行中的程式,與哪個特定的檔案有關聯?程式開啟的路徑為何?所執行的 DLL 檔是哪一個?Process Explorer 都能夠清楚地列示!
The Process Explorer display consists of two sub-windows. The top window always shows a list of the currently active processes, including the names of their owning accounts, whereas the information displayed in the bottom window depen...
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