PC Tools ThreatFire Antivirus 不需要病毒碼的掃毒抓蟲大師
軟體分類: 病毒防護
軟體性質: Freeware
最近版本: 3.5
作業系統: Windows XP/2000
語言界面: 英文
原創公司: ThreatFire
ThreatFire Antivirus 利用新的設計概念,與以往常用的防毒軟體並不相同,即使沒有時常更新病毒碼,仍能透過使用習慣分析技術來找出可疑的威脅,包括病毒、蠕蟲、或各種竊取資料 的程式和廣告,最重要的是,這套被許多專家雜誌所推薦的軟體有完全免費的版本供你使用。
目前使用者常用的病毒防護軟體特點大多都是可以殺毒和隔離病毒卻耗費較多記憶體資源的 signature-based 防毒軟體,例如卡巴斯基、Symantec、Trend-Micro、McAfee 等,而 ThreatFire Antivirus 則是利用嶄新的即時病毒防護技術,與傳統的軟體大相逕庭。
ThreatFire Antivirus 主要的特點在於新技術不但能掃到已知的病毒,更能分辨出未知的病毒、蠕蟲、間諜程式、木馬程式等,軟體分析使用者的使用習慣並且將可能違反規則的活動視為威脅,對於必須及時更新病毒碼才能抓到毒的軟體來說,這是個全新的概念。
除此之外,ThreatFire Antivirus 在當偵測到病毒時能即時的關閉可能具有毀壞性的執行程序 (Process),因此能更有效的預防病毒對系統造成破壞,對於妨害隱私的程式也能加以隔離,這樣功能強大又免費的防毒軟體實在值得一試。
ThreatFire™ AntiVirus protects when others can't
PCs are under constant attack from viruses, spyware and identity theft. Every day you hear about a new threat to your PC. They're coming faster than ever before, they're getting harder to stop and traditional antivirus products are not able to keep up.
Will your antivirus software catch the latest malware that just came out today? In most cases, no, because it simply does not know how to detect it yet. But ThreatFire's ActiveDefense technology does, and has proven to provide up to 243% more protection when combined with traditional AntiVirus products. See the table below.
If I already have antivirus software why do I need ThreatFire?
ThreatFire is dramatically different to traditional antivirus software. Normal antivirus products usually need to have first identified and seen a threat before they can provide adequate protection against it. The protection is then provided via a signature or fingerprint update, which must first be written by an antivirus researcher. This creates a large window of time where threats are undetected and can therefore infect your PC even when you have antivirus software installed.
How can ThreatFire protect me when traditional antivirus can't?
ThreatFire continually protects your PC against attacks by detecting malicious behavior, such as capturing your keystrokes or stealing your data, instead of only looking for known threats like normal antivirus software. By implementing sophisticated real-time behavioral analysis ThreatFire is able to stop never- before-seen "zero-day" threats solely by detecting their malicious activity.
ThreatFire's patent-pending ActiveDefense technology offers protection against all types of internet threats - both known and unknown - spyware, adware, keyloggers, viruses, worms, Trojans, rootkits, buffer overflows, and other malware. ThreatFire uses its unparalleled protection to hunt down and paralyze those threats that are either too new or too clever to be recognized by traditional "signature-based" antivirus software.
Do I need to be an expert to use ThreatFire?
ThreatFire is advanced technology designed especially for people, not just experts.
We believe security software should be "set and forget" so once you install ThreatFire you won't need to answer lots of technical questions, in fact the only time you should even notice ThreatFire is protecting your PC is when we detect something malicious that requires your attention.
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ThreatFire Version Information
Current Version: | 3.5.0 |
File Size: | 21 MB |
Release Date: | Monday, April 28, 2008 |
Operating System: | Designed for Windows® Vista™, XP, 2000 and 2003 |