DVD43 4.31 解除DVD 影音光碟的保護
備份 DVD 光碟時最怕遇到的當然就是保護囉!因為這些保護可是阻止你備份的最大阻因阿。但是別擔心,所謂道高一尺,魔高一丈,既然有保護,當然有破解的方式囉。 DVD43 就是這樣的一套軟體。
現在有越來越多的影片在發售時都是選擇拋棄 VHS 與 VCD 的發行方式,而轉向使用具有高畫質與音質的 DVD 來發售,原因無他,當然是因為它所能帶來的震撼效果絕對更能夠讓消費者掏出荷包來購買;而另外一項因素,當然就是因為 DVD 具有較佳的保護機制啦。
使用者在許多情況下會想要備份所購買的 DVD (例如害怕原版片不小心被刮傷啦……等),但是當你想要備份時,卻發現該 DVD 擁有保護,這個時候可是呼天不應、叫地不靈囉。不過別擔心,只要有了 DVD43 ,保證你的困擾一掃而空。
DVD43 在安裝之後,會要求使用者重新開機,並且在系統欄中常駐一個灰色的笑臉,如果使用者放入光碟機的為沒有保護的 DVD 或是未放置光碟時,那麼 DVD43 就會顯示黃色的笑臉,若所放進的為 CSS 保護的 DVD ,那麼 DVD43 就會顯示成紅色的小惡魔,待破解完成後才轉變為綠色的笑臉,此時使用者就可以順利進行備份了。
DVD43 與其他同類型軟體的最大不同在於是以常駐的方式破解 DVD ,因此不需要大量的硬碟空間來存放 DVD 資料,但是相對的,當你要進行轉檔時,速度就會較為緩慢。因此若你有硬碟空間上的限制,那麼 DVD43 絕對是你的最佳選擇喔。
DVD43 is a free DVD decrypter that runs in the background and decrypts DVDs on the fly. This website gives you some basic information, like what it does, how to use it, and where to download it. If your copy program needs a decrypter, you can use DVD43. It's free, so you won't need to waste money on a decrypter. This website does not host the DVD43 setup file and is not affiliated with the authors of DVD43, but it does provide safe links to the program.
WHAT DOES IT DO?: DVD43 will decrypt (unlock) a movie DVD so that your copy program can read it. If the DVD structure is non standard, your copy program needs to take care of that. I have included a list of programs (at the bottom of this page) which work well with DVD43 in order of their capability (based on my testing).
COMPATIBILITY: DVD43 is compatible with Microsoft Windows Vista (32), Windows XP, and Windows 2000.
HOW TO INSTALL: Run the setup file which installs DVD43 and leaves a happy face icon on your task bar. DVD43 will run in the background and decrypt movies on the fly.
HOW TO USE DVD43: Insert the DVD you want to copy and wait for DVD43 to detect it (smiley face turns green). Start your DVD copy software and copy your movie.