Wise Registry Cleaner 繁體中文免安裝,登錄檔清理重組最佳化
Wise Registry Cleaner 這套軟體可以執行登錄檔的掃描及清理,清理前預設還會自動備份登錄檔,還有一鍵系統最佳化、登錄檔重組功能,重組之後還可以列出重組後的大小供你比對。藉由清理登錄檔中這些錯誤或過時的資訊,您的系統將會有更快的運作速度和更佳的運作效能。
The program scans the Windows registry and finds incorrect or obsolete information in the registry. After it analyzes your system for problems, you can individually view each of the problems found and call up a detailed description. If you wish, you can also have all problems corrected automatically.
注意:程式啟動後,請從 Settings 功能表的 General → Default Language 中點選「繁體中文」,程式就會變成繁體中文介面。
下載連結→ [] [] [] [] [] [10.6.1] [10.5.1] [10.4.1] [10.2.9] [10.2.4] [10.1.3] [9.63] [9.55] [9.53]