隨著 USB 隨身碟的容量愈來愈大,有愈來愈多的人,會把一些自己熟悉且順手的軟體放置在隨身碟上面執行,以方便不論到哪一台電腦,只要有 USB 就可以馬上使用自己順手的軟體。
PStart 是一個可以讓我們用來快速啟動軟體的輕巧軟體,...
XP KEY CHANGER v2.0 更改 Windows XP 金鑰的工具
XP Key Changer finds Windows XP Product Key, retrieves Owner, and Organization information. Finds and decrypts the product key in your computers and displays the information right in the main panel. Also recovers the Service Pack version, Owner registered name and Organization registered name. Changes all this information, with one click, on ALL your machines. XP KEY CHANGE...
DefaultBrowser 1.7
Windows XP 專用快速更改預設瀏覽器工具。
DefaultBrowser allows you set the default web browser for your user profile in Windows XP, without affecting the other users. The list of browsers you see in the Presets are tested and working flawlessly as user defaults. Note that the user interface in Windows XP does not provide an option for setting the default browser for each user...
Intel Graphics Accelerator Driver for Vista 15.9
Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator Driver
The Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator Driver contains support for the following Intel® Chipsets:
· Intel® G31 Express Chipset· Intel® G33 Express Chipset· Intel® G35 Express Chipset· Intel® G965 Express Chipset· Intel® Q33 Express Chipset· Intel® Q35 Express Chipset· Intel® Q963 Express Chipset· Intel® Q965 Express Chipset· Mobile Int...
網芳續傳精靈 0.1
TimeLeft 3.35 多功能時鐘軟體
多功能時鐘軟體 - TimeLeft,有倒數計時器、計時器、時鐘、桌面便利貼...等等,還可以將程式碼匯出成為網頁,提醒功能還可以設定開啟程式、播放音樂、電腦關機...等等。具有記事提醒功能的數位時鐘 - TimeLeft,您可以設定一個提醒事項,並在提醒事件裡加入備忘文字、音效、設定開啟網頁或檔案,執行後在該軟體時間顯示區塊裡會顯示目前時間、鬧鐘倒數時間,並有實用的網路校時功能。
TimeLeft is a free c...