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AppCleaner – 優化電腦效能與磁碟空間

作業系統:Windows XP / Vista / 7 (支援 32、64 位元)
官方網站下載 | Portable免安裝版

AppCleaner 是一支相當實用的免費軟體,可用來清除電腦裡無用檔案,藉以最佳化系統效能、釋放磁碟空間,也可以有更好的個人隱私。AppCleaner 幫你清理上網時瀏覽器所產生的資料, 包括暫存檔、歷史紀錄、Cookies,甚至是超過 550 種應用程式所產生的記錄。AppCleaner 本身更為輕巧,不含間諜程式、廣告程式、不會安裝任何 Toolbar 或其他不相關的軟體到使用者的電腦。除此之外,AppCleaner 也內建移除工具、開機程式管理工具,能用來完整移除用不到的軟體,或是管理開機時要啟動哪些程式。

AppCleaner cleans your computer for an optimized system and better privacy. It finds obsolete data and files and removes them from your system. This frees up disk space and optimizes overall performance. AppCleaner helps with privacy issues and cleans up Internet browser related obsolete data such as browsing histories, cookies etc. It contains no spyware, adware and installs no toolbar or other crapware you do not want on your computer. It is clean and it cleans your computer!

Temporary file cache, history, cookies, download history, login data, forms data

Temporary file cache, history, cookies, download history, login data, forms data

Temporary file cache, history, cookies,login data, forms data

Temporary file cache, history, cookies, download history, login data

Cleans Windows and the Registry
AppCleaner removes Windows related obsolete data and files and also includes an advanced registry cleaner, which removes many kinds of unused and old entries from the Registry.


Cleans Third-Party Software
And it gets better every day, as we add more third-party cleaning definitions on a regular basis.

Third-party software

Cleaner definitions get updated regularly

Manage software - Uninstall and software startup management

Uninstall software

Windows startup management

Cleans hard disk free space

Wipe free space with different deletion method to choose from

