BitMeter II 3.6.0 中文版,電腦網路流量監控軟體
BitMeter II 是個網路頻寬計量器,它能在軟體視窗中顯示目前網路連線的狀態,讓使用者隨時監看頻寬被使用的情形,它以圖表隨時秀出正在上傳或下傳的速度,也顯示歷史傳輸資料。除此之外,哪些軟體使用多少頻寬也能在 BitMeter II 中顯示出來,使用者可以設定當使用了特定數字的頻寬量後,軟體就自動以聲音提示,平時也以小視窗顯示在工具列附近。另外 BitMeter II 也支援一個對於使用者來說頗為實用的功能,就是當你要下載一個體積較大的檔案,你可以在 BitMeter II 中輸入檔案大小然後讓軟體以目前的頻寬速度來計算需要下載的時間,來決定要等待的時間。
BitMeter 2 is a bandwidth meter, it allows you to visually monitor your internet connection by displaying a scrolling graph that shows your upload and download speed over time. BitMeter is freeware - ie. it is given away completely free of charge, there is no trial period, no time-limited features, no spyware, and no adware, guaranteed. BitMeter main window This is what BitMeter looks like. The different colours on the graph represent your upload and download speeds, the display updates every second, and the current speeds are also displayed numerically in the lower part of the window.