Pictomio 1.2.24 電子像簿製作工具
[應用平台] Windows XP/Vista, Shader 2 or higher, 128 MB Video RAM
Pictomio 是一款免費的電子像簿製作工具,使用者可以直接透過它來管理你所有的數位相片,不論是要對相片進行瀏覽、縮放、幻燈片播放效果等,全都難不倒它。而且使用者還可以透過 Exif-Editor 功能來對相片進行註解,或是評分功能來區別每張照片的好壞。
而 Pictomio 最特別的就是 3D 的圖片瀏覽功能,你可以使用 3D 的方式在不同的照片間進行切換,讓你的照片在透過 Pictomio 的管理下,不僅可以有好的分類,也讓你在瀏覽這些美好回憶時有一本美美的數位像簿可供欣賞。
Pictomio is freeware and raises the bar when it comes to displaying 3D-accelerated photo and video collections. The free version gives access to all the features related to uploading and downloading images to and from photo communities as well as almost all geotagging functions, e.g. photos taken with GPS-capable cell phones (iPhone, Nokia, etc.). To professional users we recommend using pictoGEO as this software is capable of recording your trips. Test pictoGEO by using it in combination with our Sample Trip.
pictoGEO is a an ADD-ON you can purchase to automatically assign location information to digital photos using a GPS data logger (geotagging). pictoGEO works with every digital camera!
Pictomio requires a graphics card with ShaderModel 2.0 and a minimum of 128 MB video RAM.