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Minimem 不同於一般記憶體優化程式

不同於一般記憶體優化程式釋放所有程式佔用記憶體的作法,Minimem 是一個能夠有效降低「由使用者指定」的程式記憶體用量的工具。這個工具一開始是被設計用來解決 Firefox 的 memory leaks 問題,但是後來作者決定改善 Minimem 讓它現在可以對任何應用程式產生降低記憶體用量的效果。

跟據 Minimem 網頁上的說明,它是利用「移除程式非必要的記憶體分頁 (Memory Page)」的機制來達到降低程式記憶體佔用量的目的。也就是說,Minimem 並不會隨意釋放使用中的記憶體,所以並不用擔心程式因為被限制記憶體使用權而降低執行效能。

在什麼樣的情形下適合使用 Minimem?

1. 【一些傳統的 Office 軟體】像是 Microsoft Office、Open Office 等等,通常它們佔用的記憶體資源較高。
2. 【常駐在系統列的程式】因為大部份時間這些程式並不需要與使用者互動,出現在前台的機會也較少,所以只要給它們最低的記憶體資源就可以正常運作。
3. 【有 Memory Leaks 問題的軟體】因為設計不良導致程式不能有效率地利用記憶體而不斷增加記憶體的需求量,例如 Firefox 2。雖然 Mozilla 聲稱 Firefox 3 已經大幅改善此問題並且加入記憶體回收機制,不過在我的使用經驗中常常還是會發生「失控」的情形。
4. 【大量的程式同時執行】像我這種電腦重度使用者來說,同時執行十幾二十個程式是很平常的事,因此對記憶體的使用量可就錙銖必較了。
5. 【老舊、記憶體資源不多的電腦】對於一些上了年紀的電腦來說它們擁有的記憶體數量可能不高,但又要執行一些比較吃重的應用程式,這時 Minimem 就很適合它們了。
6. 【任何你覺得該節省記憶體的程式】不管是什麼程式,只要你覺得它吃記憶體吃得太兇就可以將它交給 Minimem "處理"。


啟動 Minimem 之後它會常駐在系統列,點按兩下系統列圖示便會顯示操作視窗。這時我們會看見視窗裡面有左右兩個區域,在預設的狀態下右邊的區域會顯示目前所有記憶體用量超過 15000 KB 且正在執行的程序,我們可以取消勾選【Hide if memory 【勾選 Start with Windows】。

Initially developed for Firefox only, Minimem now can reduce the memory footprint of any application. It runs in the background and can be set up to optimize as many proceses as you'd like, using a very intuitive graphical interface. Unlike other memory optimization tools, it gives you full control over what applications you want to optimize, when and how often, as well as the possibility to only optimize memory when required and relevant.
It optimizes memory by removing as many non-necessary memory pages as possible from the selected processes. It does so at regular intervals which can be user-defined as well and every 30s by default, though uses an advanced pooling mechanism to ensure the CPU usage of Minimem remains low at all times. This then optimizes your applications which can load those pages back whenever they need, and makes your overall system perform much better whenever it is memory limited.
Minimem runs in the background and is fully non-intrusive. It stays in your tray where you can access its settings at any time and will remember your favorite settings for an optimal ease-of-use. Its intuitive GUI should make it useable for any type of user so no specific skills are required to take advantage of this great tool.
Typical applications are:
  • Reducing the memory footprint of memory-heavy applications that should not e.g. web browsers or office applications
  • Making it easier to run applications with memory leaks, e.g. Firefox 2 or extremely large footprints e.g. Firefox 3
  • Running multiple applications on the same computer e.g. web desktop tool, web browser, office application all concurrently
  • Use computers that are not so recent with modern applications

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Minimem (version 1.2.2): download  
Minimem (version 1.1): download .
