a-squared HiJackFree 3.1 免費優秀的系統安全分析及檢測軟體!
a-squared HiJackFree 類似工作管理員,他會標示出已經被感染的程序,和不完整的程序(被感染的以紅色表示、不完整的以黃色當底色)。這時聰明的你,就知道得趕緊將紅色的程式,強制結束。
如果我們先用a-squared Free 掃過,可對於已經感染的病毒還有被感染的系統檔案有所瞭解。如果不瞭解的,可以進入a-squared Free的掃瞄報告,比對Anti-Dialer裡的程序是否也判斷被感染。
a-squared HiJackFree is a detailed system analysis tool which helps advanced users to detect and remove all types of HiJackers, Spyware, Adware, Trojans and Worms.
- Manage all types of Autoruns on your system
- Control all Explorer and Browser plugins (BHOs, Toolbars, etc.)
- Manage all running Processes and their associated modules
- Control all Services, even those Windows doesn't display
- View open ports and the associated listening processes
- View all DNS entries in the hosts file
- Manage installed Layered Service Providers (LSPs)
- Analyze the system configuration with using our live online analysis
Start download (1. mirror, 2. mirror, 3. mirror) - Standalone EXE