Floola 2.9.5
Floola 是一個免費而且可以帶著走的 iPod 控制軟體。將程式丟進 iPod 裡啟動即可使用,同時有 Mac, Windows, Linux 等版本。Motorola 系列手機也支援。對於沒有安裝 iTunes 又想透過電腦來播放 iPod 裡面的歌曲是個方便的工具。
新增歌曲,到 Item 底下選擇 Add,會有個彈出視窗,把電腦裡想要新增至 iPod 的歌曲拖拉進該視窗即可!
支援從 youtube 或 myspace 下載影片檔,只需輸入 url。
Floola is a freeware application to efficiently manage your iPod or your Motorola mobile phone (any model supporting iTunes). It's a standalone application that can be run directly from your iPod and needs no installation under Linux, Mac OS X and Windows (Windows Vista is supported).
Floola supports all common used iPod features including artwork, podcasts and smart playlists! It's also able to convert audio or video incompatible with the iPod so that you can copy almost any file to it. It even allows adding youtube and myspace videos just entering the page url!