Comodo Firewall 繁體中文版,免費防火牆軟體
Comodo 是一款功能強大的、高效的且容易使用的,提供了針對網路和個人用戶的最高級別的保護,從而阻擋黑客的進入和個人資料的洩露。能夠提供程 序訪問網路權限的底層最全面的控制能力,提供網路竊取的最終抵制,實時流量監視器可以在發生網路竊取和洪水攻擊時迅速作出反應,通過簡單的界面安裝後, Comodo 個人防火牆使您安全的連接到互聯網。針對網路攻擊完備的安全策略,迅速抵御黑客和網路欺詐。
Comodo claim that their firewall is unique in that it passes all known leak tests to ensure the integrity of data entering and exiting your system. Comodo has put firewall through all kinds of sophisticated tests to ensure its firewall powerful enough to ward off these attacks with default settings. No other firewall has had to work this hard.
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