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Core Temp 1.18.1 繁體中文免安裝,CPU 溫度監工具

Core Temp 是一款免費的 CPU 溫度監控軟體,它並非透過外部的溫度感控線去量測 CPU 的溫度,而是藉由新一代 CPU 內的特殊監控指令,直接由 CPU 來回報目前的溫度。也因此, Core Temp 只可以在一些支援此一功能的新型 CPU 上運作。


如果你擔心自己的 CPU 會因為過熱而損毀,或是造成電腦過熱當機,那麼 Core Temp 就是一款你不可錯過的即時監控軟體,讓你可以隨時掌握 CPU 溫度的情形。

Core Temp is a compact, no fuss, small footprint program to monitor CPU temperature. The uniqueness of it is that it shows the temperature of each individual core in a each processor in your system! You can see in real time how the CPU temperature varies when you load your CPU.

Version 1.18
- New: AMD Zen 4, Zen 3 APU and Zen 2 APU support
- New: Intel Raptor Lake and Alder Lake support
- New: TDP, TjMax, multiplier range detection on desktop AMD Zen platforms
- Fix: Address the kernel-mode driver vulnerability/exploitation issues
- Fix: Redesign Bclk detection on all AMD platforms starting from the Phenom series
- Fix: Workaround the Bclk detection issues on Intel Skylake and newer series
- Fix: Bclk detection on older Intel platforms, utilizing x2Apic configuration
- Fix: Thread count on Intel hybrid architectures (Raptor/Alder Lake)
- Fix: Improve support for multiple older AMD and Intel processors
- Fix: Base multiplier detection on AMD Zen processors
- Fix: Incorrect temperature on AMD Zen processors (missing -49C offset)
- Fix: Engineering Sample recognition on newer Intel processors
- Fix: Multiple minor bugs
- Change: Windows Vista 64-bit is no longer supported

下載連結→ [1.18.1] [1.18] [1.17] [1.16] [1.15] [1.11] [1.10.2] [1.8.1] [1.7] [1.5] [1.4.1] [1.1] [1.0 RC9] [1.0 RC8]


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  1. yu yang Jian

