Caesium – 免費圖片批次壓縮、圖片減肥利器
Caesium 是一套開放原始碼圖片壓縮工具,對於現在動輒好幾 MB 的數位相片來說,傳輸到網路上之前先壓縮一下,就可以節省不少空間和流量。Caesium 支援大部分常見的圖片格式(例如 JPG、GIF、PNG、BMP),最大可以把圖片壓縮至 90% 大小、具備批次壓縮、預覽以及中文化介面等功能。一般會用到圖片壓縮的機率可能蠻小的,不過這是蠻實用的一個工具,以照片來說會想進行壓縮的人可能不多,相片是一種回憶,當然是原始的檔案最好,不過一般非相片類的圖片,比如網頁用圖或是其它素材,檔案如果太大的話,就可以透過圖片壓縮工具【Caseium】進行壓縮,在不影響品質的程度下降低檔案大小,可以節省空間的利用,如果是網頁圖片檔案變小,也能加速瀏覽速度。
Caesium reduces the size of your picture up to 90%, preserving the original quality. Caesium allows you to save a lot of space and quickly upload your pictures on the web (on sites like Facebook, MySpace etc) saving a lot of time. Also Webmasters for instance need to make sure the images they post on their websites are optimized, to avoid prolonged loading times for their visitors. The software allows you to view instantly the compression results, helping you to decide how much optimization you need. Caesium can set different compression levels to each image, saving a lot of time, ensuring great results!
作業系統:Windows XP / Vista / 7
官方載點: (含安裝版、免安裝版與原始碼)