MyUninstaller 1.40 中文版
超級輕薄短小的「新增或移除程式」工具 — MyUninstaller,很難讓人想像居然「100K」以下的容量,能夠作出這麼低耗能的軟體移除程式,還有一些同類程式所沒有的功能:顯示程式安裝日期、顯示軟體公司首頁網址、程式安裝路徑、將資料存成 TXT/HTM 檔...等等,讓你不用再去用「控制台」裡面那個微軟寫了二十幾年都還寫不好的大怪物來移除程式,它的開啟速度超快,沒有 BUG!在 Windows XP、Windows 2000 跟 Vista 使用,都不會有任何問題!
MyUninstaller is an alternative utility to the standard Add/Remove applet of Windows operating system. It displays the list of all installed application, and allows you to uninstall an application, delete an uninstall entry, and save the list of all installed applications into a text file or HTML file.
MyUninstaller also provides additional information for most installed applications that the standard Add/Remove applet doesn't display: product name, company, version, uninstall string, installation folder and more.