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NSIS 3.09 免安裝,程式發佈、安裝程式製作工具

NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) 它是一個免費的 Win32 安裝、卸載系統,採用了簡潔高效的腳本方式。它本來是一個由 Nullsoft 創建並用於作為 Winamp 及其外掛程式發佈的系統,但現已被上百個應用程式所應用,作為它們進行程式發佈的工具。NSIS 建立的安裝程式可以進行安裝、卸載、設置系統設置、解壓檔等等。幾乎可以做所有事情。因為它基於指令檔,所以你可以完全控制你的安裝程式的每個部分。它的指令碼語言支援變數、函數、字串處理,就像是一個普通的程式語言 - 但其僅設計用來創建安裝程式。

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NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) is a professional open source system to create Windows installers. It is designed to be as small and flexible as possible and is therefore very suitable for internet distribution.Being a user's first experience with your product, a stable and reliable installer is an important component of succesful software. With NSIS you can create such installers that are capable of doing everything that is needed to setup your software.

NSIS is script-based and allows you to create the logic to handle even the most complex installation tasks. Many plug-ins and scripts are already available: you can create web installers, communicate with Windows and other software components, install or update shared components and more.

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