MACAddressView 1.48 繁體中文免安裝,查MAC位址的免費軟體
每台電腦網路卡的 MAC Address 都是獨一無二的,若想知道自己電腦的 MAC Address 或是想知道電腦生產廠商所分配到的 MAC Address,可以使用 MACAddressView 這套免費軟體來進行查詢,MACAddressView 除了提供可查詢自己電腦的 MAC Address 之外,它還允許您根據公司名稱、公司位址或國家/地區名稱查詢 MAC 位址記錄。當您在 MACAddressView 輸入任意一塊網卡的 MAC 實體位址,可以找出生產網卡的公司相關資料,其中包括公司名稱、公司位址、公司所在國家。
MACAddressView is a MAC address lookup tool that allows you to easily find the company details (company name, address, and country) according to the MAC address of a product.
MACAddressView also allows you to find MAC address records according to the company name, company address, or country name. After finding the desired MAC address records, you can save them into text/xml/HTML/csv file or copy them to the clipboard and paste them into Excel or other applications.