Falkon (QupZilla) 3.0.1 繁體中文免安裝,輕巧的瀏覽器
Falkon(舊稱:QupZilla),使用WebKit核心以Qt為開發工具的瀏覽器,整理書籤的功能把書籤、記錄、RSS閱讀器整合在單一視窗,內建快速撥號功能可以開啟最喜歡的網頁,也有私密瀏覽視窗,可以保護網路瀏覽的隱私。Falkon is a KDE web browser using QtWebEngine rendering engine, previously known as QupZilla. It is modern web browser based on WebKit core and Qt Framework. WebKit guarantees fast browsing and Qt availability on all major platforms. It includes bookmarks, history (both also in sidebar) and tabs. Above that, it has by default enabled blocking ads with a built-in AdBlock plugin.
QupZillaPortable, FalkonPortalbe
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