Floola 是一個免費而且可以帶著走的 iPod 控制軟體。將程式丟進 iPod 裡啟動即可使用,同時有 Mac, Windows, Linux 等版本。Motorola 系列手機也支援。對於沒有安裝 iTunes 又想透過電腦來播放 iPod 裡面的歌曲是個方便的工具。新增歌曲,到 Item 底下選擇 Add,會有個彈出視窗,把電腦裡想要新增至 iPod 的歌曲拖拉進該視窗即可!支援從 youtube 或 myspace 下載影片檔,只需輸入 url。
Floola is a free...
Yahoo!奇摩即時通 Beta 中文版
Use Yahoo! Messenger to call and talk over the Internet just like you're on the phone. All you need is a headset, or a microphone and speakers. It's that easy - just click the Call button. If no one's there, leave a voicemail!
You can also get much better sound quality t...
VMware Server 1.0.6 Build 91891
VMware® Server is a free virtualization product for Windows and Linux servers with enterprise-class support. It enables companies to partition a physical server into multiple virtual machines and to start experiencing the benefits of virtualization. VMware Server is a robust yet easy to use product for users new to server virtualization technology and is based on VMware's pr...
VideoCacheView 1.09 中文版 從磁碟中快取影片播放的好幫手
當你在網路上看完某個影片後想保存下來時,你沒有什麼辦法?找個工具去重新下載一次?這未免太浪費時間了!其實該短片早就在你的硬碟裡了,只需要透過 VideoCacheView 去找一下就可以成功進行儲存了!
影片快取播放工具 - VideoCacheView,對於瀏覽器所播放的影片而言,只要網路串流影片的提供者所採用的是快取技術,那麼當你關閉 Firefox 或 IE 時,影片便會寫入瀏覽器暫存檔,而VideoCacheView這個小工...