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NT Registry Optimizer 1.1j

NT Registry Optimizer 1.1j
NT Registry Optimizer 是專門用來最佳化 Windows NT/2000/2003/XP 的 Registry 的軟體。NT Registry Optimizer 運作的原理是藉由讀取出電腦中的每一筆 Registry,然後再依序重新寫入以達到重組(Defragment)的目的。這樣一來,以後電腦在讀取 Registry 時便能夠更有效率的找到目標,提昇運作效能。 NTREGOPT is a free registry compactor that improves system performance by compacting the registrySi...

PC Wizard 2008.1.84

PC Wizard 2008.1.84
PC WIZARD 2008 is also an utility designed to analyze and benchmark your computer system. It can analyze and benchmark many kinds of hardware, such as CPU performance, Cache performance, RAM performance, Hard Disk performance, CD/DVD-ROM performance, Removable/FLASH Media performance, Video performance, MP3 compression performance. PC Wizard 不但可以完整的偵測電腦硬體的各種...

Local Cooling 2 為電腦省電

Local Cooling 2 為電腦省電
LocalCooling,這個軟體執行之後會常駐在後台調整電腦的吃電以進行電源使用的優化。有個小視窗告訴你救了多少棵數、省了多少電力。在設定的地方有基本的電源管理選項:關閉監視器、降低硬碟轉速、自動關機時間,可檢視電腦硬體的預估消耗瓦數。 Download the 100% Free LocalCooling Application and it automatically optimizes your PC's power consumption by using a more effective power save mode. ...