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WebShot (網頁擷取)

WebShot讓你可以捕獲網站全尺寸或者縮略圖尺寸的螢幕截圖並且可以將圖像保存為 JPG, PNG, GIF 或者 BMP格式。你既可以捕獲整個網頁(全部滾動頁面)也可以調整流覽器的視窗並且重新設置尺寸以創建網站的縮略圖尺寸的圖像。WebShot可以根據一個單 獨輸入的 URL 資源位址捕獲網站截圖,或者你可以從一個文字檔案(每行一個)載入 URL位址同時在一次操作當中批量處理這個網站列表。

WebShot allows you to take screenshots of web pages and save them as full sized images or thumbnails. Screenshots images can be output in the JPG, GIF, PNG, or BMP formats.

The freeware version comes with a demo of the command line interface, which can be purchased, and used to streamline the screenshot process on whole websites. The server edition of WebShot comes with a DLL that will allow you to embed WebShot technology in your own applications.

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