DiskInternals ZIP Repair 1.0 修復損壞的ZIP壓縮檔
DiskInternals公司研發許多常用檔案的救援和修復工具,其中「DiskInternals Zip Repair」可以免費使用來修復損壞的Zip壓縮檔,所以在此特別提出並示範如何進行檔案修復的操作設定。
1.下載並安裝好DiskInternals Zip Repair後,啟動程式會出現操作精靈的畫面,按下〔Next〕開始依指示進行設定。
2.在「Select files」設定畫面中,先在「Corrupted file」右側按下〔Browse〕按鈕,選擇你要修復的檔案。
4. 回到精靈設定視窗後,「Corrupted file」和「Repaired file」方框中都會顯示檔案的存放路徑,如果你要更改修復後檔案的存放位置和檔案名稱,按下「Repaired file」右側的〔Browse〕按鈕即可,設定完成後按下〔Next〕按鈕就會開始修復。
※如果勾選「Open the archive after the wizard is closed」選項,關閉精靈視窗後會開啟修復的ZIP壓縮檔。
The zip file format is the most popular form of data storage. It is widely used for backup and transfer of information over the internet. As any format with a well-defined structure, it is highly sensitive to corruptions. In case of even a minor corruption of the file structure standard zip tools will no be able to extract its content. This is because all zip tools check archives for integrity. If CRC values of the original files of an archive don't match the extracted ones, the standard tools won't extract them. In such a case DiskInternals ZIP Repair helps repair zip structure and extract the contents of the archive. Full automation of the recovery and a wizard-like interface make zip repair no more than a snap.
After you locate an archive that needs repairing, the program will scan it for damages. Then its robust recovery engine will take over. It will extract and move all the intact files to a new archive. The only other thing expected from you is to name the new archive or specify the location of an existing one. DiskInternals ZIP Repair has built-in extraction features that allow it to extract partially damaged and restored files. It performs at a revving speed and demonstrates high accuracy of the recovery. The program supports all major zip capabilities and reinforces your standard zip applications with an automatic recovery feature. Whether a transmission error or media damage prevents your file access, you can always entrust your valuable data into confident hands of DiskInternls ZIP Repair.
DiskInternals ZIP Repair is a freeware tool. Just download it, unpack and install onto your computer. However, if the user wishes to make the program better and more powerful, the responsive support team will be always glad to hear from you.