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SARDU MultiBoot Creator 5.5.0 免安裝版 – USB開機選單製作工具

SARDU MultiBoot Creator 可以製作USB開機碟或CD、DVD光碟開機片,整合可開機的光碟映像檔,並可以線上下載所需的ISO檔,除了線上下載免費光碟資源之外,也可以自行加入WinPE或Windows安裝映像檔,把常用工具透過開機選單整合於USB,輕鬆製作萬用電腦重灌兼維修工具;製作出來的USB支援傳統BIOS及EFI。


SARDU MultiBoot Creator is a useful application designed to help you create an emergency rescue CD or USB drive. These drives can be used to check and to repair your system in case of a failure. Most computer users have dealt with a situation when the computer simply cannot start the operating system. Although every one of us hopes to avoid this type of event, it is better to be prepared by having a recovery disk at hand. This program intends to help you create a recovery disk with the tools required to diagnose and to repair the issues that prevents your computer from starting properly. The disk can be customized by creating multiple boot options and by adding the utilities that you need for your system configuration.

下載→ [5.5.0] [3.4.2] [3.2.4]

