a-squared Anti-Dialer 防止會對外連線的惡意軟體。對整個硬碟所有的程式進行掃瞄,找出具有對外連線的軟體,並以他的資料庫作為判別是否為惡意軟體。
No chance for the Dialer rip off! Protect your PC with a-squared Anti-Dialer from manipulated dial up connections, which can cause a phone bill of several hundred dollars quickly.
a-squared Anti-Dialer provides a complete ...
WinPatrol 可說是一隻忠實的電腦看門狗,除了幫你檢查開機執行的程序外,還可以常駐在系統列,一旦開機程序遭到修改,就會彈出視窗來警告,相當不錯的軟體。
When you run WinPatrol you may not notice any changes at all. The only visible change you'll see is Scotty on guard down in your system tray. That means WinPatrol is quietly on patrol and you'll only know it's running if there'...
PC安全測試是一項免費的計劃, Windows的計算機安全檢查,對病毒,間諜軟件和黑客的攻擊。 提供模擬病毒,間諜軟件和黑客攻擊和監視器的反應,保護您的軟件。 測試完成後, 提供計算安全指數結果,並提供解決方案來改善PC的安全。
PC Security Test is a free program for Windows that checks computer security against viruses, spyware and hackers.
Miniumum system requirements: 32 MB RAM 800...
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