Windows XP與其它系統最大的不同就是更重視視覺上的展現,但是對於電腦配備還沒升級的使用者,這個優點當場變成缺點,因此如果你的電腦規格不是那麼好,最好先把好看但不好用的動畫功能取消,增加工作效率為上。
STEP2:在「系統內容」對話盒出現後,點選「進階」活頁標籤,按下「效能」選項的 「設定」...
AutoRuns for Windows v9.21

Simply run Autoruns and it shows you the currently configured auto-start applications as well as the full list of Registry and file system locations available for auto-start configuration. Autostart locations displayed by Autoruns include logon entries, Explorer add-ons, Internet Explorer add-ons including Browser Helper Objects (BHOs), Appinit DLLs, image hijacks, boot exe...
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