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PC Wizard 2008 系統偵測及效能測試工具

免費系統偵測及效能測試工具 - PC Wizard eXPerience,這是 cpuid.com 繼熱門的 CPU 偵測軟體 Cpu-Z 之後,所推出的軟體,可以非常準確的偵測出您的電腦硬體配備資訊。

1) 可偵測的硬體資訊項目:主機板、中央處理器、Video、IO Port、磁碟、印表機、隨插即用裝置、多媒體配備、網路、硬體衝突、電壓..等等。
2) 可執行的效能測試項目:中央處理器、L1 快取、L2 快取、記憶體效能測試。

Since 1996 PC WIZARD is among the most advanced system information programs on the market. PC WIZARD 2008 is a powerful utility designed especially for detection of hardware, but also some more analysis. It's able to identify a large scale of system components and supports the latest technologies and standards. This tool is periodically updated (usually once per month) in order to provide most accurate results.
PC WIZARD 2008 is also an utility designed to analyze and benchmark your computer system. It can analyze and benchmark many kinds of hardware, such as CPU performance, Cache performance, RAM performance, Hard Disk performance, CD/DVD-ROM performance, Removable/FLASH Media performance, Video performance, MP3 compression performance.
PC WIZARD 2008 can be distributed freely (ftp, archives, CD-ROMs ...).

Package Version Updates


21 September 2008
New support and improvements : see Release information file
