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Flash Tool – Sony Xperia 手機專用解鎖工具

2012年12月07日 Android, 手機相關 暫無評論

為了方便程式開發人員,Sony 宣佈推出專為旗下 Xperia 手機而設的 Flash Tool,讓大家可以用一個簡單、安全和快捷的方法自行為手機進行 Bootloader 解鎖。

大家可到http://developer.sonymobile.com/下載 Beta 版本的 Flash Tool,
由於尚在測試階段的關係,現只支援 Xperia S、Xperia Arc S 及 Xperia Arc 三款手機,不過其他用家也不用灰心,因為 Sony 表明會繼續開發,讓更多用戶可以使用,大家可觀看示範短片,不過提醒大家,為手機進行 Bootloader 有機會令手機失去保養,大家要自行承擔風險。

To install the flash tool, follow the steps below:

  1. Download the Flash tool for Xperia devices.
  2. Unzip the file you downloaded and place it somewhere on your computer.
  3. In the unzipped folder, run Emma.exe. During the installation, make sure you remember the installation path:
    1. Default path in Windows 64 bit is: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony Mobile\Emma\”
    2. Default path in Windows 32 bit is: “C:\Program Files\Sony Mobile\Emma\”
  4. Copy the Customization.ini file. You find it in the <Emma zip filename>.
  5. Paste the Customization.ini file into the installation folder. The installation folder is the folder named Emma in the installation path examples on point 4a and 4b above.
  6. Click Start > All programs > Sony Mobile > Emma (if you used the default installation path from step 3 above) to start the flash tool
