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SpeedFan 4.49 監控電腦風扇速度及溫度的軟體

SpeedFan 可監控電腦風扇速度及溫度的軟體,可以最小化於工作列,即時顯示晶片溫度,最主要的功能是:可以根據晶片溫度設定不同的風扇速度。SpeedFan 可以顯示 CPU 溫度、電壓與主頻、佔用率,硬碟溫度與健康,風扇轉速,電池電量,開機時間等重要系統資訊。它的特色功能是可根據系統溫度更改風扇轉速。還具備讀取硬碟溫度與 SMART 資訊,更改 FSB 速度(軟超頻/軟降頻),報告部分 nVidia 顯卡溫度、電壓等特性。該軟體每次更新都會對包括 CPU 和主板等大件在內的硬體新增/改進支援。


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(1) 對於不知如何配置的新手,可以使用程式的「獲取配置」功能下載官方收集的各種型號主板的配置檔作為參考。

(2) 除軟體內置的對硬碟健康及性能的評估特性外,您還可以使用「線上分析」功能來對您的硬碟進行更深入的評估。

SpeedFan is a freeware program that monitors voltages, fan speeds and temperatures in computers with hardware monitor chips. SpeedFan can even access S.M.A.R.T. info for those hard disks that support this feature and show hard disk temperatures too, if supported. SpeedFan supports SCSI disks too. SpeedFan can even change the FSB on some hardware (but this should be considered a bonus feature).

At the lowest level, SpeedFan is an hardware monitor software that can access digital temperature sensors, but its main feature is that it can change fan speeds (depending on the capabilities of your sensor chip and your hardware) according to the temperatures inside your pc, thus reducing noise.

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