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SyncToy2.0 易用型檔案同步工具




There are files from all kinds of sources that we want to store and manage. Files are created by our digital cameras, e-mail, cell phones, portable media players, camcorders, PDAs, and laptops. Increasingly, computer users are using different folders, drives, and even different computers (such as a laptop and a desktop) to store, manage, retrieve and view files. Yet managing hundreds or thousands of files is still largely a manual operation. In some cases it is necessary to regularly get copies of files from another location to add to primary location; in other cases there is a need to keep two storage locations exactly in sync. Some users manage files manually, dragging and dropping from one place to another and keeping track of whether the locations are synchronized in their heads. Other users may use two or more applications to provide this functionality.

Now there is an easier way. SyncToy, a free PowerToy for Microsoft Windows, is an easy to use, highly customizable program that helps users to do the heavy lifting involved with the copying, moving, and synchronization of different directories. Most common operations can be performed with just a few clicks of the mouse, and additional customization is available without additional complexity. SyncToy can manage multiple sets of folders at the same time; it can combine files from two folders in one case, and mimic renames and deletes in another case. Unlike other applications, SyncToy actually keeps track of renames to files and will make sure those changes get carried over to the synchronized folder.

* 「Files to include」:設定要包含在同步中的檔案項目,預設的「*」指得是同步所有的檔案,你可以設定只同步特定副檔名的檔案,例如「*.doc」。也可以設定多組要包含在同步中的檔案,例如「*.doc;*.xls;*.zip」,只要中間用「;」隔開即可。
* 「Files to exclude」:設定不要包含在同步中的檔案項目,設定方式同前。
* 「Exclude read-only files」:勾選後,同步時不要包含唯讀檔。
* 「Exclude hidden files」:勾選後,同步時不要包含隱藏檔。
* 「Exclude system files」:勾選後,同步時不要包含系統檔(以上三個是很方便的設定,可以自動排除一些Windows會在資料夾產生的暫存檔,例如縮圖快取)。
* 「Select subfolders」:選擇哪些子資料夾需要同步,預設狀態會同步所有的子資料夾,你可以透過取消勾選,來設定某些子資料夾不要同步。
* 「Active for run All」:勾選後,允許這個專案納入一鍵同步方案中。你可以在主介面左方選擇「All Folder Pairs」,就可以一次同步所有設計好的專案。
* 「Save overwritten files in the Recycle Bin」:勾選後,所有被覆蓋的檔案都會保留一份在資源回收筒中(刪除的檔案在Windows預設狀態本來就會留一份在資源回收筒)。
* 「Check file contents」:勾選後,同步時會檢查文件的「內文」,而不是只有檢查文件檔大小、修改時間的改變而已,這或許會讓同步更精準,不過也會讓同步過程變得比較久。一般來說我覺得沒有必要勾選這個項目,除非你在同步的檔案真的都是重要文件檔。


