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Trend Micro Ransomware File Decryptor 1.0.1668 免安裝版,趨勢科技勒索軟體檔案解密工具,解密被WannaCry、CryptXXX、TeslaCrypt、SNSLocker加密的檔案

Trend Micro Ransomware File Decryptor 是一款由趨勢科技 Trend Micro 所提供的勒索病毒檔案解密工具,專門用來解密遭 Cryptxxx、TeslaCrypt、SNSLocker、AutoLocky、BadBlock、777、XORIST、XORBAT 勒索軟體所加密的檔案,若您電腦中珍貴的旅遊照片、旅遊影片、珍貴的小孩成長照片或者還是私密照片以及重要的文件資料被 Cryptxxx、TeslaCrypt、SNSLocker、AutoLocky、BadBlock、777、XORIST、XORBAT 加密無法打開的話不妨一試,但仍無法保證能將上述四種勒索軟體所加密過的檔案完全解密。


As an important reminder, the best protection against ransomware is preventing it from ever reaching your system. While Trend Micro is constantly working to update our tools, ransomware writers are also constantly changing their methods and tactics, which can make previous versions of tools such as this one obsolete over time.
Customers are strongly encouraged to continue practicing safe security habits:
Make sure you have regular offline or cloud backups of your most important and critical data.
Ensure that you are always applying the latest critical updates and patches to your system OS and other key software (e.g. browsers).
Install the latest versions of and apply best practice configurations of security solutions such as Trend Micro to provide mutli-layered security.

下載→ [1.0.1668] [1.0.1663]

